O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Genética e Biologia Molecular convida a todos a participarem da apresentação da Palestra “Acoustic wave sensors for biochemical sensing. Perspectives for in situ measurements in amazon river”.



Ollivier Tamarin

Professor associado da Universidade da Guiana Francesa e da Universidade de Bordeaux na França

Institut Universitaire de Technologie, Département de Génie Électrique et Informatique Industriel.


Data: 12 de junho de 2019

Hora: 11 horas

Local: Auditório do Centro de Genômica e Biologia de Sistemas, UFPA (Campus do Guamá, referência: Hospital Bettina Ferro).


A palestra será ministrada em inglês.



Monitoring the environment is a crucial issue for our planet, especially when the territory to be preserved is very rich in biodiversity, but also in natural resources (unfortunately) coveted. Amazonia is an area on the earth whose entropic pressures are increasing (deforestation, agriculture, mining projects, etc. …), while the means implemented for its preservation are sometimes not enough. The purpose of this presentation is to show the prospects for the implementation of alternative technological tools to conventional methods for the detection of trace biomolecules. In particular, an overview of recent work and perspectives on acoustic wave transducers developed in the IMS laboratory of the University of Bordeaux will be presented. This low-cost, communicating, easily integrable and embedded transduction mode offers a complementary alternative to current and conventional surveillance methods such as satellite imaging, or analytical chemistry especially for applications in a liquid medium.


Ollivier TAMARIN received the PhD degree in electrical Engineering from the University of Bordeaux in 2002. From 1999 to 2002 he was at the IXL electronic laboratory, Bordeaux, France. From 2002 to 2004, he has been an assistant professor at the French West Indies University, where he is an associate professor since 2004. He served as a dean of the electrical department and later on the faculty of the French Guyana University (2007-2015). In 2015, he joined the IMS laboratory, Bordeaux, where he is currently pursuing research on acoustic sensor devices, with a special emphasis on liquid medium sensing application. The aim of his research is now focus on the implementation of ultrasensitive sensors (especially based on acoustic wave transducers) for low level of biochemical detection applied in Amazonian river.