Concentration Area: Bioinformatics


Research Line:

Bioinformatics – Comparative Genomics

Identification of molecular markers and comparative analysis of genomes.


Research line:

Bioinformatics – Assembly and annotation of genomes

Development of informatic supports that help in the analysis of microbial biodiversity, through the development of database and specific software for application in the biotechnological area.


Research Line:

Molecular Modeling

Protein modeling.


Concentration area: Animal Genetics


Research line:

Cytogenetics of Vertebrates

Chromosomic and Cytogenomic diversity.


Research line:

Systematics and Biogeography of Piscatorial Resources

Study of species of fish, crustaceans and mollusks to evaluate the phylogenetic relations, reexam classifications and identify site-specific DNA markers, for studies of zooplankton and population dynamics of fish, crustaceans and mollusks.


Research line:

Systematics and Molecular Evolution of Vertebrates

Investigation of faunistic resources in Amazon, by molecular biology methods, to stablish systematics at specific and subspecific levels and the determination of genetic variation in certain monitored groups.


Research line:

Chromossomic Variation and Karyotypic Evolution

Study of Amazon biodiversity (primates, Chiropteran, fish and rodents) using karyotypes and molecular markers (microsattelites) in simultaneous and comparative analysis with chromosomic markers, to define the taxons and phylogenetic relations.


Concentration area: Human and Medical Genetics


Research line:


Development of informatic supports that help in the analysis of genetic variation of populations in general, through the development of populational database and specific software for application in the biotechnological area.


Research line:

Epidemiology and Identification of Mutations in Genetic Diseases

Investigation, through molecular biology methods, of the prevalence of mutations associated to common pathologies, like: G6PD Deficiency, Hemonoglobinopathy (structural and alpha and beta thalassemias); Cystic fibrosis, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and others.


Research line:

Human population Genetics

Investigation of genetic variation of human populations in Amazon (Mestizo, Indigenous and Afro-Brazilian), through analysis of polymorphisms of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA.


Research line:

Forensics Genetics

Use of human population genetics principles and molecular biology techniques in order to solve forensic cases (criminal and civil).


Research line:

Oncological Genetics

Investigation of genetic factors associated to oncological pathologies (chromosomic instability, oncogenes, proto-oncogenes, etc.)


Research line:

Investigation of Hereditary Metabolic Diseases

Investigation and detection of genetic-metabolic diseases through integrated clinical, biochemical and molecular procedures.


Research line:


Genetic study of ancient populations, pre-columbian, through molecular investigation of DNA samples in remnants of biological tissues.


Research line:

Genetic and Pharmacogenomic Susceptibility

Enables a better understanding of the physiopathologies of these diseases, focused on the genetic mechanism of the host, as well as the pharmacogenomics in response to the human diversity of the Brazilian population.


Research line:

Normal and Pathological Variations of the Human Genome

Investigation of genetic factors of the human host associated to infectious diseases (Malaria, AIDS, and Hansen’s disease); genetic risk factors associated to metabolic (Type 2 diabetes, Coronary artery disease) and autoimmune (Pemphigus) diseases.


Concentration Area: Molecular and Microbial Genetics


Research line:

Microbial Diversity

Analysis of metagenomes and environmental genomes.


Research line:

Molecular Epidemiology

Molecular characterization of infectious agents (Viral and Bacterial).


Research line:

Structural and Functional Genomics


Concentration Area: Vegetal Genetics


Research line:

Plant Genetics

Prospecting of genes and regulatory elements in studies of interaction of plants with abiotic (temperature, salinity, drought) and biotic (fungi, bacteria) factors; Prospecting of endophytic microorganisms with agriculture-application potential.