Integration with other courses

PPGBM keeps a strong interaction with undergraduate courses from UFPA, through its faculty, as all of them are teaching undergraduate disciplines, advising not only Term Papers (TCC – Portuguese Acronym) and undergraduate research, but also offering Curricular and Extracurricular internships to the academic community of UFPA and also from other Higher Education Institutions, public or private, in the State of Pará.


Undergraduate Research

There is great incentive, from the Program, to the evelopment of works of undergraduate reseach in the field of Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics that enable the full integration between undergraduate and graduate aiming the development of future students to PPGBM. The participation of the students in activities related to undergraduate research is held by the undergraduate courses of Biological Sciences and Computer Sciences (Bioinformatics area), both from UFPA and other private-sector Higher Education Institutions. Besides having undergraduate research as a way of integrate undergraduation and graduation, PPGBM has used other strategies to reach this goal. Amongst them, we can highlight the incentive given by a group of professors from the Program to the advising of undergraduate research students from undergraduate courses in the field of Computation and Informatics. In order to widen the qualified demand to run for the Masters or Doctorate selection process in Bioinformatics. 


Revolving Internship

 “Revolving Internship” is an activity developed by the faculty of PPGBM and consists of inserting Biology Major, Biomedicine and Bachelor in Biotechnology students, linked to the Institute of Biological Sciences (ICB/UFPA), in a, at least, 90-hour internship at one of the laboratories that develop relevant research in ICB. This modality of internship is inserted in the Curriculum and it is presented as a good opportunity for undergraduate students who, by interecting with the students of the program, acquire a lot of knowledge in the concentration area of PPGBM and about research developed in the laboratories of the institute.


Interinstitutional Master’s Degree (MINTER)

In 2015, PPGBM established na apprehension protocol with the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA – Portuguese Acronym) in the city of Tucuruí, Western Pará, to establish a Interinstitutional Master’s Degree (Minter) in this region. What represented a great educational and social advancement for the residents of this area.